Golf Calories Burned

If you’re looking for a fun way to burn calories and improve your overall health, look no further than golf. This popular sport offers a range of physical benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased muscular strength, and weight management.

In this article, we’ll explore the factors that contribute to calorie burn during a round of golf, and strategies for maximizing your workout. We’ll also examine the potential health benefits of regular golfing, from cardiovascular fitness to weight management.

Key Takeaways:

  • Golf is a great way to burn calories and improve your overall health
  • Factors that contribute to calorie burn during golf include physical demands and intensity of play
  • Maximizing your calorie burn can be achieved through implementing strategies like increasing physical challenge and incorporating exercises into your pre and post-round routines
  • Golf can improve cardiovascular health, increase muscular strength, and aid in weight management
  • By understanding the factors that contribute to calorie burn in golf, you can improve your overall health while enjoying the game

Understanding Calorie Burn in Golf

Golf is more than just a leisurely pastime; it can also be an excellent workout and contribute to overall fitness and health. Understanding how calories are burned during a game of golf is crucial to maximizing the benefits of this sport.

The physical demands of golf require a combination of cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, and flexibility. Walking the course, carrying your clubs, and swinging a club all require energy expenditure.

The Muscles Involved

During a golf swing, several muscle groups are activated, including:

  • The legs (quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes) for stability and power
  • The core (abdominals and back muscles) for rotation and balance
  • The shoulders, arms, and wrists for club control and acceleration

As you can see, golf engages many different muscle groups, making it an effective full-body workout.

Average Calorie Burn

The number of calories burned during a round of golf will vary based on factors such as age, gender, weight, and level of exertion. However, on average, a person can expect to burn around 300-400 calories per hour while playing golf.

In comparison, walking briskly burns around 400-500 calories per hour, jogging burns around 600-700 calories per hour, and cycling burns around 500-600 calories per hour.

Golf and Fitness

Regular golfing can contribute to overall fitness and weight loss goals. It provides an opportunity for cardiovascular exercise, improves muscular strength and flexibility, and can burn a significant number of calories.

Incorporating golf into a comprehensive fitness routine can provide variety and help prevent boredom. Additionally, golf can be enjoyed at any age, making it a lifelong activity for maintaining physical health and wellness.

Tip: To maximize the fitness benefits of golf, consider carrying your clubs instead of using a golf cart, and take the opportunity to walk the course whenever possible.

As you can see, golf is not just a game; it is also a form of exercise that can contribute to overall health and wellness. By incorporating golf into your fitness routine, you can improve your cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, and flexibility while burning calories and enjoying the great outdoors.

Strategies for Maximizing Calorie Burn

If you’re looking to increase calorie burn while golfing, there are several strategies you can implement to maximize your workout and reap the benefits of this enjoyable sport. By incorporating the following tips into your routine, you can burn more calories, improve your overall health, and enhance your golf game.

Make Your Game More Physically Challenging

One of the simplest ways to increase calorie burn while golfing is to make your game more physically challenging. Instead of using a golf cart, walk the course and carry or push your own clubs. This will not only burn more calories but will also engage your leg muscles and improve your cardiovascular fitness. Additionally, consider playing on a hilly course or incorporating additional obstacles, such as sand traps or water hazards, to increase the physical demands of your game.

Incorporate Pre and Post-Round Exercises

Another way to increase calorie burn while golfing is to incorporate exercises into your pre and post-round routines. Warm up with dynamic stretches, such as lunges and shoulder circles, to activate your muscles and prepare your body for the physical demands of golf. After your game, cool down with static stretches and foam rolling to prevent muscle soreness and improve flexibility. Additionally, consider adding strength training exercises, such as squats and push-ups, to your routine to build muscle and increase calorie burn.

Take Advantage of Golf Health Benefits

In addition to burning calories, golf offers a multitude of health benefits, including improved cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and coordination. By taking advantage of these benefits, you can optimize your calorie burn and enhance your overall health. Additionally, consider using golf as a part of your weight management plan, as it can contribute to calorie expenditure and weight loss when combined with a healthy diet and consistent physical activity.

ActivityCalories Burned per Hour*
Golf, carrying clubs396
Golf, using a cart324
Golf, driving range288

*Calories burned based on a 155-pound person

By implementing these strategies, you can maximize calorie burn while golfing and improve your overall health and fitness. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, golf offers a fun and engaging way to stay active and achieve your fitness goals.

Golf and Cardiovascular Health

If you’re looking for a fun and challenging way to improve your cardiovascular fitness, look no further than golf. Research has shown that golf can provide significant cardiovascular benefits, helping to improve heart health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Golf requires a significant amount of walking, which is a great low-impact cardiovascular exercise. The average 18-hole round of golf involves walking between 5 and 6 miles, depending on the course’s length and layout. Walking this distance can burn around 720 to 900 calories, depending on factors such as your weight, pace, and terrain.

In addition to the walking, the movements required to swing a golf club can also provide cardiovascular benefits. The swinging motion can help increase your heart rate, improving cardiovascular endurance over time. To maximize the cardiovascular benefits of golf, it’s important to maintain a consistent pace throughout your game and limit the use of golf carts.

Recommended Intensity and Duration

For optimal cardiovascular health, it’s recommended that adults engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week. This can include activities such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming. Including golf in your weekly physical activity routine can be an excellent way to meet this recommendation.

To achieve the greatest benefits, it’s important to play consistently and for an extended period. Aim to play at least 18 holes of golf per week, or break it down into two to three shorter sessions of 9 holes each. This consistent and dedicated approach can provide substantial cardiovascular benefits over time.

Golf and Overall Health

Beyond its cardiovascular benefits, playing golf can contribute to overall health and wellbeing. Golf can be an enjoyable way to relieve stress, spend time outdoors, and build social connections. Additionally, the movements and physical demands of golf can help to improve muscular strength and flexibility.

Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or just starting, incorporating golf into your regular physical activity routine can provide a range of health benefits. So grab your clubs and get ready to tee off for improved cardiovascular fitness, overall health, and an enjoyable game.

Golf and Muscular Strength

If you want to improve your golf game and overall fitness, focusing on your muscular strength is crucial. The golf swing requires a combination of power, speed, and flexibility, making it essential to strengthen the key muscle groups involved.

When you engage in golf exercise and workouts, you target the following muscle groups:

Muscle GroupRole in Golf Swing
Core musclesProvide stability and power during the swing
Back musclesProvide flexibility and range of motion in the backswing
Leg musclesProvide stability and generate power from the ground up
Shoulder musclesProvide power and control in the downswing

By strengthening these muscle groups, you can improve your swing mechanics, increase your clubhead speed, and drive the ball farther down the fairway. Incorporating golf-specific exercises into your workout routine can also reduce the risk of injury and improve overall physical fitness.

Some effective golf exercises and workouts to include in your routine are:

  • Medicine ball twists: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a medicine ball in front of your chest. Rotate your torso to the right, keeping your hips facing forward, and then rotate to the left. Repeat for several reps.
  • Squats with a golf club: Hold a golf club behind your shoulders with your hands shoulder-width apart. Squat down as if you were sitting in a chair, keeping your back straight, and then stand back up. Repeat for several reps.
  • Single-leg deadlifts: Stand on one leg, holding a dumbbell in the opposite hand. Hinge forward at the hips, keeping your back straight, and lower the weight towards the ground. Return to a standing position and repeat for several reps before switching legs.

To get the most out of your golf exercise and workout routine, it’s important to maintain a balanced fitness program that includes cardiovascular exercise, flexibility training, and rest and recovery days. By building strength and power in your muscles, you’ll be able to hit longer and more accurate shots on the course.

Golf and Weight Management

If you’re looking to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, golf can be a great addition to your fitness routine. Not only does it provide a low-impact workout, but it can also be a fun and social way to stay active.

When it comes to weight loss, the key is to burn more calories than you consume. Playing golf can contribute to this goal by burning calories and improving your overall fitness level. According to Shape Magazine, playing golf can burn up to 1,000 calories in a single round.

But weight management isn’t just about burning calories. It’s also about making healthy lifestyle choices. Incorporating golf into your routine can help with this by encouraging you to spend time outdoors and be more physically active.

Using Golf for Weight Loss

If your primary goal is weight loss, there are several things you can do to maximize your calorie burn while playing golf:

  • Walk the course instead of riding in a cart
  • Carry your own clubs
  • Take the stairs instead of using a golf cart ramp
  • Incorporate additional exercises and stretches before and after your round

By following these tips, you can turn your golf game into a calorie-burning workout.

Golf and Overall Health

Even if weight loss isn’t your primary goal, golf can still be a valuable part of a well-rounded fitness routine. It provides a moderate-intensity workout that can improve your cardiovascular health, muscular endurance, and overall well-being.

The social aspect of golf can also be beneficial for mental health. Spending time with friends or family in a beautiful outdoor setting can help reduce stress and improve your mood.


Whether you’re looking to lose weight or simply improve your overall health, golf can be a great addition to your fitness routine. By focusing on maximizing your calorie burn and making healthy lifestyle choices, you can enjoy the many health benefits that golf has to offer.


By understanding the factors that contribute to calorie burn in golf, you can maximize your workout and reap the potential health benefits of the game. With an average calorie burn of 300-400 per hour, golf can contribute to weight management and cardiovascular fitness.

But golf is more than just a physical exercise. It’s a mental game that requires concentration, focus, and strategy. Playing golf regularly can improve your cognitive function, reduce stress, and provide a sense of relaxation and enjoyment.

Take Action Now

If you’re looking to improve your overall health, consider incorporating golf into your fitness routine. Consult with a golf professional or trainer to develop a personalized workout plan that aligns with your fitness goals.

Remember to warm up before each round and incorporate stretching and strength exercises into your pre and post-round routines. With consistency and dedication, you can optimize your golf game and enhance your physical and mental well-being. So grab your clubs, hit the course, and enjoy the many benefits of playing golf!


What factors contribute to calorie burn during a round of golf?

The calorie burn during golf depends on various factors, including the intensity of your game, your body weight, and the duration of your round. Additionally, factors like walking the course versus using a golf cart, the number of swings you take, and the terrain can also affect the number of calories burned.

How many calories can you burn while playing golf?

On average, a person can burn approximately 300-400 calories per hour while playing golf. However, this can vary depending on the factors mentioned above.

Can golf help with weight loss?

Yes, incorporating golf into your fitness routine can contribute to weight loss, especially when combined with a healthy diet. By consistently burning calories during your rounds and increasing the intensity of your game, golf can help create a calorie deficit and support weight loss goals.

Which muscles are used during a golf swing?

A golf swing engages various muscle groups, including the core muscles, back muscles, shoulder muscles, and leg muscles. By repeatedly swinging the club, these muscles are strengthened and toned, contributing to improved muscular strength and power.

Are there any specific exercises or workouts to improve golf performance?

Yes, there are specific exercises and workouts that can help improve golf performance. These may include exercises targeting the core muscles, rotational exercises, strength training exercises for the upper body and legs, and flexibility exercises. Consulting with a golf fitness professional can help you develop a tailored workout plan to enhance your game.

How can golf benefit cardiovascular health?

Golf can benefit cardiovascular health by providing a moderate-intensity aerobic workout. Walking the course, swinging the club, and carrying your clubs can elevate your heart rate and improve cardiovascular endurance. Regular golfing can help lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases and improve overall heart health.

What are some strategies for maximizing calorie burn during a round of golf?

To maximize calorie burn during golf, consider walking the course instead of using a golf cart, taking extra swings at the driving range, and incorporating interval training into your game. Additionally, engaging in strength and flexibility exercises specific to golf can also help increase calorie burn.

Can golf be considered a workout?

Yes, golf can be considered a workout, especially when played with sufficient intensity and frequency. By walking the course, carrying your clubs, and engaging in a full swing, you can elevate your heart rate, burn calories, and strengthen various muscle groups.

Is golf a suitable activity for weight management?

Yes, golf can be a suitable activity for weight management. It provides a way to burn calories, increase physical activity levels, and contribute to a calorie deficit when combined with a balanced diet. By incorporating golf into a comprehensive weight management plan, you can enhance your chances of achieving your weight loss goals.